Articles Tagged with Personal Injury Lawyer

Rideshare Accidents: What You Need to Know

In days gone by, people took taxi cabs to get where they needed to go. Today, cabs have been replaced, for the most part, by rideshares. Rideshare companies such as Lyft and Uber provide customers with fast, efficient transportation services. Online apps make it easy to quickly secure a ride. Rideshares are available in all our major cities.

While there has been an increase in availability and use, there is also an increase in the number of accidents with rideshare providers. If you were hurt in a rideshare accident, you may be owed money for your damages. An experienced personal injury attorney will help you with the situation and assist you in getting the compensation you deserve. Injury Claims – Common Questions and Answers

When you or a loved one was injured due to the negligence of another, you may be owed money for your damages. The person responsible for your injuries should pay for your medical expenses and other damages that you incurred as a result of the accident.

Does a Personal Injury Claim Have to Go to Court? Suffers Life-Threatening Injuries After Being Hit on I-85

A pedestrian was struck by a vehicle on I-85 in west Charlotte. According to reports, police and medics responded to a serious accident in which a pedestrian was hit on I-85. The accident happened at about 6 pm. The accident shut down I-85 near Billy Graham Parkway for hours while police conducted an investigation. The victim was transported to Atrium Health CMC with life-threatening injuries.

Pedestrian Accidents are Common is the Monetary Value of Pain and Suffering Calculated?

Accidents can result in extreme injuries that require extensive treatment. Along with injuries often comes quite a bit of pain. The negligent person responsible for the accident should be held accountable for paying all the costs associated with your injuries. Some costs are economic, and others are non-economic. The victim of an accident expects compensation for all damages they suffer due to the negligence of another.

Types of Damages Killed in Two-Vehicle Accident in Charlotte

On Thursday night, a 36-year-old man died in a fatal motorcycle accident in Charlotte, North Carolina. According to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, the motorcyclist was traveling Southbound on South Boulevard at a high rate of speed. The jeep driver was simultaneously turning left into a parking lot when the motorcyclist collided with the Jeep.

The force of the collision caused the motorcyclist to be ejected from the motorcycle. Speed is suspected in the accident, and it is unknown whether alcohol or drugs were a factor in causing the crash. The driver of the jeep was uninjured, and the motorcyclist died at the accident scene. Home Falls

More than 1.6 Americans reside in nursing homes. While nursing homes provide care to those who require assistance, they can also be dangerous. It is estimated that approximately half of all nursing home residents suffer at least one fall a year. About a third of residents suffer multiple falls in a year. Sadly, the consequences of falls in older adults can be significant. The nursing home may be held responsible if their actions or inactions were negligent and resulted in serious injuries. A knowledgeable personal injury attorney will help you seek compensation for nursing home injuries.

What Causes Nursing Home Falls? Should I Do If My Child Was Hurt at Daycare?

Most parents need to work, and that means they must trust the care of their small children to others. Every day, parents drop off their children at daycare providers while they go to work or school. As a parent, you need to feel confident that your child is in good hands and that they will be properly cared for when you are away. Unfortunately, problems can happen, and your child could get hurt while under someone’s care. Minor issues are expected from time to time, but what happens if your child is seriously hurt while attending daycare?

Common Injuries at Daycare

1Who Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

The death of a loved one can be a stressful and difficult time in your life. It can be even more traumatic when the death is unexpected. As we go through our day, we do not expect our life to be cut short before we return home. Wrongful death is a term that applies when a death is caused by a negligent or wrongful act. If your loved one died due to the negligence of another, you may be entitled to compensation for damages. An experienced North Carolina wrongful death attorney will help you seek justice for your loved one.

What Causes Wrongful Death?

3-1Birth Injuries in North Carolina

The birth of a child is one of the most exciting times in a parent’s life. Under the best circumstances, you enter the hospital and leave the next day with your newborn infant to begin your new family life together. Unfortunately, sometimes birth does not go as you had hoped. A mistake made during the delivery process could result in a birth injury to your child. Some birth injuries may be minor, but some are more serious and could even cause a lifelong disability. If your child suffered an injury during labor or delivery, you could be owed money for damages.

Common Birth Injuries

Insta-Edu-Market-4-1Wrongful Death in North Carolina

The death of a loved one is never easy, but it can be particularly difficult when the death occurs due to the negligence of another. When your loved one passes away unexpectedly, they can leave the family with a large void. The family of a wrongful death victim may be owed compensation for their damages. An experienced North Carolina wrongful death attorney can help you and your family during this stressful time.

What is Wrongful Death?

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