Articles Posted in Car Wreck

Personal injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “I was involved in a motor vehicle accident with injuries. Do I need a lawyer?”

The majority of car accident claims are settled before they reach trial. However, when parties are unable to reach an agreement out of court, the case will proceed to trial.

Personal injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “I was involved in a motor vehicle accident with injuries. Do I need a lawyer?”

Being in a car accident is always a stressful and overwhelming experience, especially if you have sustained an injury. Many people do not know what to do following a crash, and some are confused about whether or not they should hire a car accident attorney in North Carolina.

Personal injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “If I am injured in a car accident or at work what should I do?”

In most accidents involving a pedestrian and an automobile, the driver of the motor vehicle is presumed to be at fault for the collision. However, there are pedestrian accidents in which the pedestrian hit by a car can be partially or fully to blame for the crash.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “The insurance adjuster is saying I am partially negligent what does that mean?”

Often, people get injured in auto accidents caused by individuals driving a company car in the scope of their employment. Can injured persons file a personal injury claim against the employer of the driver who caused a crash?

Personal injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “I was involved in a motor vehicle accident with injuries. Do I need a lawyer?”

In North Carolina, victims of auto accidents caused by drivers impaired by alcohol or drugs can obtain compensation for their losses and damages. While suing a motorist who was under the influence of drugs when your collision occurred may be tricky, it is often the only viable way to recover damages.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “Should I take photographs of the property damage sustained to my car, of the accident scene, or of my visible injuries following an accident?”

While North Carolina’s stay-at-home order has decreased traffic crashes in the state from about 4,500 in the first week of March to fewer than 1,000 in the last week of April, auto accidents still continue to happen in Charlotte and across the state.

Charlotte Injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “What is uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage and how may it apply to my case?

A car accident may cause minor injuries that require minimal treatment and result in speedy recovery or severe injuries that require significant treatment, rehabilitation, and recovery. Obviously, the second option may result in overwhelming medical costs, while the loss of income would only worsen the financial situation.

Personal injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “I was involved in a motor vehicle accident with injuries. Do I need a lawyer?”

Two North Carolina cities rank among the least safe for drivers in the United States. The findings of a new study by Go Safe Labs show that Charlotte and Raleigh had some of the highest car crash totals in 2019.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “What can you sue for in a personal injury case?”

Being in a car crash as a passenger is not only scary and frustrating because you have no control over the accident, but also confusing because it may not be immediately clear how to get compensated for your personal injury.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “The insurance adjuster is saying I am partially negligent what does that mean?”

After a car accident in which damage is done to your vehicle, it is not uncommon to have to speak with your insurance provider and adjuster assigned to handle any claims that you are making. The insurance adjuster is responsible for taking care of preliminary matters that arise because of a claim. Usually, the adjuster will reach out to you fairly quickly to ascertain the facts that lead to the filing of an insurance claim. The adjuster is like a fact finder and will want to hear a statement from you to keep on file. The adjuster may then tell you that someone will be out to inspect the property. You might think that things are going according to plan because it seems like the insurance adjuster is on your side, but this is not true. There may come a time when an insurance adjuster is slow to respond to you, or may quit responding at all.

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