Articles Tagged with Medical treatment

8-1024x1024What to Do About Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect

Nursing homes are places where elderly and others receive care and support to meet their needs. According to data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), about 1.2 million Americans reside in nursing homes. When we place our loved one in a nursing home we expect that they will receive proper care and will be treated with respect. Unfortunately, sometimes a nursing home resident is a victim of abuse or neglect. If that happens, you will want to take immediate action to resolve the situation.

2-1024x1024Bedsores May Indicate Nursing Home Neglect

Nothing is more heartbreaking than to learn that your elderly parent is suffering from a serious infection while living in a nursing home. An assisted living facility is supposed to be a place you trust to care for your loved one and provide for all their needs. If you find that your parent has bedsores, you may not realize that they could and should have been prevented. The presence of these sores can be serious and may lead to the further decline of the health of your loved one.

What are Bedsores?

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question “What constitutes nursing home negligence?”

Bedsores are also called pressure ulcers and can occur most often on people who are bedridden or who are immobile. Pressure ulcers happen over time, and they can and should be prevented. Competent caregivers know how to avoid bedsores on their patients. Unfortunately, bedsores are usually signs of neglect. Elder care neglect can put your loved one in danger. If you believe that a loved one is the victim of nursing home or caregiver neglect, you can seek legal help from an experienced personal injury attorney.

Personal injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “I was involved in a motor vehicle accident with injuries. Do I need a lawyer?”

Being in a car accident is always a stressful and overwhelming experience, especially if you have sustained an injury. Many people do not know what to do following a crash, and some are confused about whether or not they should hire a car accident attorney in North Carolina.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “The insurance company wants to send me to their own doctor for a second opinion. Do I have to go?”

Unfortunately, many people forgo going to the doctor following a car accident. Meanwhile, many of those who do go do not provide all the necessary information or fail to ask the right questions during a medical examination.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “What does the “one-bite rule” mean in NC dog bite cases?”

A victim of a dog bite can sustain physical injuries and financial losses associated with the injury. How do victims of dog bites obtain compensation for their losses and damages in North Carolina?

Charlotte Injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “What is Maximum Medical Improvement and how does it effect my claim?”

When we are sick, injured, or otherwise needing medical attention, we expect our medical professionals to treat us with care and attention so that we can get back to our “normal,” healthy selves. Doctors, nurses, hospitals, and other medical staff/providers are responsible for the well-being and care of people and therefore are held to a standard of care to provide to their patients. Even with care requirements, mistakes can happen that result in additional injuries or damages to an individual. This sometimes results in a legal claim for medical malpractice.

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