Articles Tagged with North Carolina Car accidents and Ice are a Leading Cause of Car Accidents in Winter

Although not all areas in North Carolina experience snow, some areas experience snow and sleet. January is typically the snowiest month in North Carolina, and the state averages about five inches of snow every winter. Unfortunately, it does not take a lot of snow to make the roads hazardous. An inch of snow or sleet on the pavement can cause dangerous driving conditions and devastating car accidents.

How Common are Injuries and Deaths Caused By Snow and Ice Car Accidents?

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: How does the law of contributory negligence play a role in my case?

A Raleigh News & Observer reporter recently wrote a column about his personal experience with North Carolina’s “rigged system” of contributory negligence. The overall humorous tone of the article was undercut by his obvious frustration with the reality of North Carolina’s still being one of four (4) states that still uses the rule of pure contributory negligence.

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