What Questions Should I Ask a Personal Injury Attorney?
If you or a loved one was hurt due to someone’s negligence, you may be owed money for your damages. A personal injury attorney will help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. There are some questions you can ask an attorney before you move forward with your claim.
Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “What can you sue for in a personal injury case?”
Accidents can happen in an instant. When an accident results in serious injuries, the negligent party should be held responsible for your damages. Some accidents cause severe or long-term injuries with extremely high medical bills. You may also incur other damages such as money you lose because you cannot work, and money for pain and suffering. There are a few basic steps that you should understand about personal injury claims in North Carolina. A knowledgeable attorney will help you through the process so you can get the money you deserve for your injuries.
Charlotte Injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “What happens if I still owe money on the vehicle but the insurance company classifies it as a “total loss”?
Semi-trucks, 18-wheelers, and tractor-trailers are all names for large, commercial trucks.
Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “Can I wait a few months to pursue a personal injury claim?”
Back in May, a terrible accident occurred on a stretch of highway in Williston, Florida. That crash, involving a Tesla with its autopilot system engaged, left the driver, a man named Joshua Brown, dead. Since the crash, investigators with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration say that they want to learn more about what led to the accident. Experts believe that crash could have impacts far beyond the family of the accident victim, with potential financial impact on the automaker and an impact on national safety regulations for other autonomous vehicles that are currently in development.
Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matthew R. Arnold of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question “What if a loved one dies from the injuries sustained in a serious accident while the case is pending?”
State officials have rebuffed calls to stop installing guardrails that activists say have caused dozens of deaths and injuries in accidents across the United States. California became the 41st state to ban the guardrails this week after a Texas jury levied a mammoth fraud verdict against the company that makes the guardrails.
The North Carolina Department of Transportation is aware of safety concerns raised about the ET-Plus end terminals, but the agency said it is leaving the decision of whether to pull the terminals from state highways to federal officials.
NCDOT spokesman Steve Abbott said his department has not seen any evidence of the end terminals’ danger, despite its awareness of “a couple of incidents.”
On Wednesday, federal regulators approved new safety testing of the end terminals. The NCDOT said it will await the results of new safety testing before making a decision on removing the terminals.
Even if the agency does decide to remove ET-Plus end terminals that have already been installed, it has not kept a database of the locations of the terminals. The state has installed different types of guardrails in different locations throughout the state, and the NCDOT has not kept track of which guardrails are where.