Articles Tagged with cost of medical treatment

3-1Medical Mistakes: New Report Released on Misdiagnosis

When you visit the doctor or go to the hospital, you trust that you will receive the best care possible. You believe that the medical professionals have the experience and expertise to treat your condition and ensure that you are safe from further harm. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Millions of Americans suffer serious harm due to medical mistakes.

In fact, medical mistakes are one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. About 795,000 people die or suffer a permanent disability each year because of medical mistakes. A new report from Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore digs deeper into the role of misdiagnosis in the outcome of patients. The study provides more clarity into the types of diseases that are most likely going to result in a misdiagnosis.

Charlotte Injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “What is the value of my case?”

If you have been injured in a car accident in North Carolina, you might wonder how much compensation you can receive for your damages and financial losses.

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