
What Happens When I Get in an Accident With an Uninsured Driver

What Happens When I Get in an Accident With an Uninsured Driver

Driving is something that most people take for granted. Most families have multiple vehicles to allow everyone to get where they need to go. North Carolina is one of the top 10 states with the most registered vehicles. According to 2021 statistics, North Carolina has 3,280,487 registered vehicles. With so many vehicles on the road, it is likely that you will get into an accident at one time or another. Thankfully, most accidents are minor and do not result in serious injuries. But what happens when you get hit by a driver who does not have insurance?


Car Insurance is a Legal Requirement

North Carolina law requires drivers to carry insurance. Although having car insurance is required in most states, there are still an estimated 28 million uninsured drivers in the United States. In North Carolina, it is estimated that approximately 7.4% of drivers do not have the required insurance. North Carolina state law requires drivers to have liability insurance that protects them in cases where they suffer injuries or property damages due to an uninsured motorist. The minimum liability insurance requirements are $30,000 for bodily injury (one person), $60,000 for bodily injury (two or more people), and $25,000 for property damage.


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What to Do After a Car Accident with An Uninsured Driver

The steps you should take after an accident with an uninsured driver are the same as those you need to take if you are in a crash with an insured motorist. You should call the police to report the accident. Exchange information with the driver of the other vehicle. Take photos of the accident scene as well as each vehicle, as long as it is safe to do so. Seek medical treatment as soon as possible after the accident and follow the instructions of your doctor or medical professional. Keep records of your treatment and all costs associated with the accident and injuries.


File a Claim

If you were in an accident with another driver, and it was that driver’s fault, the driver’s insurance company will typically handle the claim. However, if the driver is uninsured, you may need to file a claim with your own car insurance provider. Your own insurance policy should cover uninsured motorists. Once you know that the other driver was not insured, you should contact your insurance company to file a UM claim. It is important to follow the procedures set forth by your provider or you may not be properly covered. For example, your provider may require you to notify them of the accident within a specified period of time.


When an accident is caused by the negligence of another driver, that driver should be held responsible for any and all damages. In the case of an uninsured driver, the resolution can become more challenging. You will want to know your options and find out the best way to proceed. An experienced personal injury attorney will assist you through the situation and help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact us today at Arnold & Smith, PLLC, at (704) 370-2828 for a consultation to discuss your case.





The skilled personal injury attorneys at Arnold & Smith, PLLC are dedicated to maximizing the financial recovery and obtaining justice for every personal injury client injured by another party’s negligence. The issues our personal injury clients may be facing include, but are not limited to, slip and fall injuries, wrongful death, product liability, catastrophic injuries, dog bite claims, car and truck accident injuries, motorcycle injuries, traumatic brain injury (TBI), nursing home negligence, spinal cord injury, boating accidents, and defective medical device injury. Our personal injury attorneys understand the devastating impact such an injury can have on a person’s life, and that the effects so often go beyond physical pain and suffering. The personal injury attorneys at Arnold & Smith, PLLC are dedicated to helping clients determine the strength of their claims, and to aggressively pursuing the means necessary to achieve the best possible end result for each client’s particular situation.



U.S.: total number of automobiles by state | Statista



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