
Articles Posted in brain injury


What You Need to Know About Traumatic Brain Injuries

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: ” What should I do if I’m injured as a passenger in a car accident?”   The human brain is essential to our every day functioning. It controls our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Without the brain, the human body does not…


Court of Appeals Hears Case on Workers’ Compensation

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “What if my employer doesn’t have workers’ comp insurance or doesn’t file the claim?”   Employees who are injured while working at their job sometimes have the opportunity to seek compensation for their injuries in the form of a workers’ compensation…


Court Says Personal Injury Plaintiff Must Reveal Social Media Content

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “Can I post about my injury on Social Media?”   For years now, personal injury attorneys have warned plaintiffs to be very careful about the kinds of information they choose to reveal online. Despite the calls for restraint, many find social…


Snapchat Personal Injury Case Dismissed By Judge

Charlotte Injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “What is subrogation and how may it factor into my case?”   We’re reminded on a seemingly endless basis just how dangerous personal electronic devices can be when used by drivers behind the wheel. Numbers from federal regulators show that fatal car…

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