Articles Tagged with liable for damages

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Brad Smith answers the question: ” Do I have to pay a fee to meet with an attorney about my personal injury case?”

If you or your loved one has been injured in a car crash caused by a teenage driver, you may wonder whether the teen’s parents can be held liable for your damages.

Charlotte Injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “Should I file the property damage claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company or with my insurance company?”

When most people are involved in an accident they do not spend time thinking about how liability will be apportioned amongst the defendants. Instead, plaintiffs in personal injury accidents are busy thinking about when they will return to work and how they will pay their mounting medical bills. Though it is understandable that personal injury victims have other more important things on their mind, liability apportionment matters a great deal and is crucial to ensuring the accident victim receives the compensation he or she deserves. To learn more about how financial responsibility for an accident is divided among defendants, in North Carolina and elsewhere, keep reading.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “Should I trust the insurance adjuster?”

Though it’s something few people think about when signing up for car insurance, it happens all the time. People get involved in accidents while driving someone else’s vehicle. The question then becomes, what happens next? Who is liable for the damages? Will the policy of the driver kick in? What about the owner of the vehicle? To learn more, keep reading.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Should I delete old posts or censor new posts while going through a divorce?”

Thankfully, most people don’t give much thought to things like forum or jurisdiction after they’ve suffered a serious injury. After all, the person with the injury is likely busy trying to recover and understandably delegates tasks like filing the lawsuit in the appropriate venue to his or her personal injury attorney. Though forum selection should never be foremost in a plaintiff’s mind, it’s good to understand some background on the issue given the impact it can have on certain personal injury cases. To learn (a little) more about forum shopping and selection, keep reading.

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