Articles Tagged with Negligent Accidents

11-1024x1024Summer Drowning Accidents

Summers can get quite hot, and one of the best ways to relax and cool off is by jumping into water. Whether a lake, a swimming pool, or the ocean, there are many places to escape the heat in North Carolina. Unfortunately, drowning accidents can and do happen all too often. Swimming, boating, and other water activities can be dangerous. There are about 4,000 unintentional drowning deaths every year in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

CA-StatsNorth Carolina Car Accident Statistics

Car accidents happen quite often. When you are involved in a car crash, it can be a scary and traumatic experience. If the accident is serious, you could suffer severe or life-threatening injuries. There are many cars on our roadways. Most families have at least two vehicles. We also share the roads with motorcycles, recreational vehicles, and commercial trucks. With more than 3 million registered vehicles in North Carolina, you are likely to be involved in an accident at some time in your life. Luckily, most accidents are minor. However, some are more severe and cause extreme injuries and damages.

Negligent Accidents

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